We made the trip from London to Perth last week, largely successfully. From Singapore we were on Qantas, a short and pleasant leg after the slug from Heathrow to Singapore; though as we came into land they played 'I still call Australia home' about 7 times over the speakers. As there was no immediate flight out, we stayed, and have enjoyed the sunshine, grandparents and relaxed suburban lifestyle.

I am currently in Sydney working, the others are still in Perth, and thus it is probably only fair to say that Anita may well have enjoyed 'I still call Australia home'.
If you don't know it, you couldn't possibly imagine.

Well... are you coming to visit Tom?
lovely to see you guys. lovely family. we miss you. love s&B
Kack, perhaps I left it in old London TOWN.....I guess I don't want Qantas or that song to tell me when to be sentimental, and also, flying in over sydney harbour bridge is one thing but I now can't get it out of my head when I wake at some odd jetlag induced hour....I've been to cities that never close DOWN...
thanks to this blog entry i have it in MY head now
Didn't realise you guys had left already!! Have fun! We'll miss you, and I know Nellie will miss following Eddie around on Sun mornings....N
strange to see that stripey jumper in a totally different context :)
missing you all, but lovely to see Sebbie with his grandpa :D
actually the jumper shots are both in regent's park, the day we left. we went to the zoo in the morning. it's sweltering enough in perth with just shorts the jumper would be ridiculous.
Can't believe Sebby is so BIG. Am longing to see them, in phase 2 of your Oz plans.
yes, looking forward to it
we sang 'still call australia home' in choir in highschool, so when i hear it, mr virtue comes to mind... "and SOME day, we'll ALL be toGETHer once MORE..."
What is phase two of your Australia plans (and where should seamail parcels for Anita's (and Tom's belated) birthday be sent??)
(Eddie's is seamailing to Perth - you'll soon be two little one!!!! What fun!!!!!)
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