A holiday with children isn't really a holiday in the get-away-from-it-all sense; we spent most of our time traipsing from one destination to the next. When the weather was fine, it was the beach or if possible some sort of train (miniature one pictured).

When it wasn’t we went to the Eden Project, a series of huge futuristic greenhouses with tropical and Mediterranean conditions inside. The greenhouses were fine, though there was a slight whiff of sentimentality about the attached cause, something about saving the planet via supporting third world smallholders.

I love that photo of Eddie hob-nobbing with that little girl. Is that one of the twins?? I had a feeling they used to be taller than Eddie. Cornwall looks beautiful.
yes, that is helena - eddie has caught up to them in height...in fact at one point he was gloating over being taller then paul (the other twin) ......like at church yesterday, when the older boys were calling him a toddler and saying he was the youngest, eddie defiantly told them no, he was THREE and the BIGGEST of them all (they are 5) and seb was ONE
Did Eddie convince the older boys??
they ignored him at that point - probably just as well
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