Sunday, November 02, 2008

Halloween party (A)

On our way to Dixie's...

Great to have Jodie with us

Bubba too of course

...friends, and......



sam becca zach and martha said...

COOL costumes! i like Roo's little goatie! b xx

Megs said...

FABULOUS COSTUMES!! how very fun! love those eyeballs, too!
isn't Hallowe'en FUN!
i remember going to a H Party in Cambridge when Tom and I were 4 and 5 - he went as a cat and i as a witch, he won a costume prize and i did not.
the tooth faerie came and took all our H candy away the next morning, much to two little girls chagrin! but Coco had a filling on wednesday, so dentist only trumped by hallowee'en for the one day! love love love meg

gretta at lothlorien said...

What a scary bunch! Halloween not so big in Broadmeadows, but we did have a visit from 3 Turkish Muslim boys, who seemed rather fazed by the whole thing. I had chocs for them from my reward supply for my Restart kids.

Rachel J-L said...

Great pictures! Especially Eddie in the first couple.
Hi Jodie! Funny to see you there and now I'm here in Melbourne when so recently we were together in Chiang Mai.

baker st jones said...

how about another post my dear