We had a relaxed morning...played with toys in the lounge room, lovely classical music on. Eddie ate a bowl of muesli and half a toasted bagel with vegemite. After eating the pieces on his plate, he soon enough came to me, carrying the empty plate saying 'mor mor'. Drank a cup of strawberry and banana smoothie. Beautiful bright pink moustache which he actually let me wipe clean!
Not quite so docile with the dressing routine. Had to bribe him with a gingerbread biscuit to put on his coat, shoes, and get him into the buggy. Once in, behaved beautifully, esp as there was a plethora of sirens, garbage trucks, motorbikes to keep him occupied.
Currently asleep (2.30pm), Eddie enjoyed a 'music with Margareta' session earlier today...we danced with scarves, hit drums and marched round the room singing 'Grand old duke of York' etc, etc. He spent a lot of the time with his finger in his mouth looking uncertain and clinging to his 'mummay', but he definitely likes it.
I am amazed he can sleep...he is halfway through his nap, as there are workmen everywhere round the mansion block and on the street at the moment. I hear them going up and down the firestairs using colourful language.
We walked home, past Planet Organic where I bought some more of those pasta shapes made from vegetables that he likes. Also Krispy Kreme doughnuts for me from the Russell Square Tesco, which have made me feel ill....I have eaten way too many.
It is overcast today.
.................Okay....it now 4pm, and he's up and full of energy. First thing he did upon waking was to run up and down the hall saying 'buh buh' excitedly - I think he was responding to the banging he could hear from the work they are doing in the bottom flat. Then i attempted to give him some vegetables for 'lunch' (which he wouldn't eat before sleep) but only succeeded in him eating one red kidney bean. Thus.....

It is cold enough for heating to be switched on! And is almost dark...must get out before the day is over...
1 comment:
Maybe he had been listening to the builders' colourful language. (buh buh).
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