It is exactly 3 years since Rachel flew from Thailand, where she was working, to Singapore, where Anita and I were at a conference, to unburden herself about her affairs of the heart regarding a man she had met on her missionary work.....called Victor. I can't quite be sure, but I seem to recall that our advice was to wait 3 years and then get married...
You are all 3 vv wise!
like their mum!
I love the way you weave stories from the past into the present Tom!
What a journey it's been since then!
It was very good to spend that time with you then. Anita so excited at the news of Victor, and Tom so cautious. The combination was just what I needed. I remember going back to Thailand very much more at peace, and my relationship with Victor suddenly becoming much better.
Thank you both of you!
it was such a nice time. remember rach, we bought those bathing costumes and spent time in the pool and spa at the hotel. that hotel room has got to be one of the best ever
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