Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Cock-a-doodle-do (T)

Rooster having his first ever solids. Sebastian offered to help, but given the opportunity, he just eat the baby food. When I did the second feed later that night, Eddie was also intrigued. "big boys can also have solids" he said, eliptically.


Rachel J-L said...

It looks like you have 3 big boys to me, all eating solids!

"Rooster" is very cute. Who coined that?

Benjamin Ady said...

That sounds fun, Sebbie eating Rooster's food, and Eddie wanting you to be excited about him eating solids, perhaps? (I have extra special empathy with oldests!)

love Auntie Megan

David said...

That reminds me of those wonderful stories about Frances. The older child feeling slightly put out by the little one, and needing reassurance.

Megs said...