As I write this, I'm following the progress of the Italy/France European cup match by the tenor of the chants from our local pub. Italy are winning 2-0, so the cheers and chants you hear are increasingly confident.
We've been visiting galleries this last few weeks, Anita and I went to the White Cube in Mayfair to see "Hell", a Hieronymus Bosch-like recreation of hellish scenes by the Chapman brothers. It's in 3D, lots of miniture Nazi figures in violent warlike scenes, Anita couldn't look for long because of her (pregnant) sensibility.
They also had some (real) pictures by Hitler, which they had painted with sunny hippy images - the show was called 'If hitler were a hippy how happy he would be'. Or 'we would be'; Anita and I remember the title differently.
Then on Saturday we took the boys to an exhibition of Psycho Buildings, on the South Bank. I can't summarise it in words, but a lot of fun, interactive art for all the family.
We finished that with some icecreams, which both boys made short work of. Eddie very neat, Sebastian surprisingly comprehensive. He's 17 months but he didn't miss a trick, and wailed slighly unconvincingly if you took it off him to tidy it up.
i'm sure its a perspective thing or something, but eddie and seb kind of look the same size!? looks like some fun family outings, although some dark-themed art?!
I saw some of that Hitler art, with rainbows, etc, in The Week. Boys very cute. that gg comment looks like samandbecca. New name for them?
Eddie still enjoys "Dig, Dig, Digging",or is that Seb's favourite now?
gg comment from Sam - he has set up a new blog for our Growth Group at church and must have been signed in as that. i'm impressed with the arty outings. i would like to visit some galleries so this his inspired me. don't think my new-mum sensibilities could cope with the Hitler art just yet. becca
The books section of this blog is poorly maintained. We basically still focus on Eddie though, and Seb just crawls around and does his own thing during story time. I think it is now the time (coming up to 18 months) for us to focus on Seb for stories, which might mean sometimes reading different stories to each boy, as Seb will get more out of dig/dig/digging and Eddie is onto mini Paddington books and so on.
A thousand years is a beautiful poetic description of a long boring ride symbolised by an airport bus?... Tonight the Dutch play: we cannot even go to the french music festival that is going on in every town or village!Orange hardship!
appropriately I'm watching the dutch play as I read your comment. Nil all so far, early in second half against the Russians...oh Russia just scored...
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