On the Kings Road, Chelsea, is 'Daisy and Tom', a gorgeous children's store. It has a carousel and hairdresser inside the actual store, and is jam-packed full of goodies for babies and kids. Here's Eddie enjoying some of 'Daisy and Tom's' magic, as well as a well-earned rice cake.
was great to see anita and eddie today. mr civil servant perhaps?
listening to art of fighting (australian band)
Wow! what a great store. (and very nice bag, Anita) Eddie is growing up so quickly.
that bag was a freebie which came with samples when i bought 2 things from clarins - pretty good huh
just found 'art of fighting' on napster, sam, really like them. do you know 'black box recorder'? they remind me of them somehow...but are much more gentle in an aussie kind of way (does that make sense?)
Great store, but what a great baby.
has tom sent you a video of him crawling yet?
sam - they are NOTHING like black box recorder...the link in my mind must be completely random!! (have just been listening to the album, second storey)
more like coldplay
No video of Eddie crawling yet
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